Monday, March 2, 2009

Now Event Planners Laugh with Joy Selling Tickets

So how do you know what online tools will do a great job selling tickets for your comedy jam, company roast or city wide Fringe Festival?

Here are...

3 Smokn’ Tips for Savvy Event Organizers
to Use When Selling Tickets for Your Event

But you don’t have to take my word for it…

1. Easy- Use “a platform that democratizes the ticket selling process and makes it easy for event organizers to handle online ticketing and promote their event.” –Guy Kawasaki

2. Cost Effective- Save with a service that is “transaction-based which means it costs nothing to get started and organizers can pass the fees ($2/ticket + processing) on to the ticket buyer.” –Guy Kawasaki

3. Sustainable- Work with a company that tech investors are willing to invest $2 Million because of the “combination of a large underserved market, a strong business plan to meet that need, and the core management and technology in place to properly execute," -Michael Aronson, Managing Director of MentorTech.

What company has all three and a easy to use ticket system in place to manage your next event?... Take the leap that makes sense and plan your next event with ease, flexible pricing that makes "cents". To learn more, click on through to the other side.

Ruth Anne Wood is a contributing writer for, and co-author of You Can't Get It 'Cause You've Already Got It! She helps companies put together clear, effective marketing messages via various writing and communication techniques and uses the latest social networking and PR communities to deliver her client's message. She can be reached today in her cozy snowed in Doylestown, PA abode at 215-872-5035 or finishing up her screenplay for her script manager in LA.

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