Sunday, November 30, 2008

Infirmary or Affirmary?

The year I graduated high school I worked at a holistic summer camp for adults for two and a half months , called Omega Institute up in Rhinebeck, NY where they had daily yoga, meditation, organic gourmet food and renowned speakers on mind, body and spirit come and teach. For two and half months I slept in a tent in the woods staked on a soft bail of hay. I was a float so I had the experience of working in the café, house keeping, and production. That year there had been a large population of lime ticks. One day I noticed a strange black spot surrounded by a red circle on my arm and choose to get medical attention to make sure I was O.K. When I got there, I told a staff member about the spot on my arm.

Across the room they said. “Oh, you’re O.K. Everything is just fine.”

“Great, I said, do you want to look at it closer?”

“Oh,” she said, “you may want to go to the Infirmary. This is the Affirmary, where we affirm your well being.”

The good news is when I finally did get to the Infirmary, they gave me pretty much the same answer.

© 2008 Ruth Anne Wood, Scripting For Success
Story Written for Oprah

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